Search Results for: Azoulay

Archive : Ariella Azoulay

For the past two decades, the Hegelian concept Aufhebung keeps appearing in the elaborate literature written on the subject of archives. It describes archival work. Here is a late, characteristic example of this approach: “To archive is to put away, to shelter, to keep . . . The modality of Aufhebung, conventionally translated into English as ‘sublation’. . .

Archive : Ariella Azoulay

For the past two decades, the Hegelian concept Aufhebung keeps appearing in the elaborate literature written on the subject of archives. It describes archival work. Here is a late, characteristic example of this approach: “To archive is to put away, to shelter, to keep . . . The modality of Aufhebung, conventionally translated into English as ‘sublation’. . .

Revolution : Ariella Azoulay

The judgment “this is revolution” or “this is not revolution”—voiced in various places and times by citizens and, among them, experts on revolution—is derived from the nature of the common concept of revolution. Instead of inviting one to ask what is revolution, it has offered itself for use since the eighteenth century. Thus the study of revolutions is contained. . .

Revolution : Ariella Azoulay

The judgment “this is revolution” or “this is not revolution”—voiced in various places and times by citizens and, among them, experts on revolution—is derived from the nature of the common concept of revolution. Instead of inviting one to ask what is revolution, it has offered itself for use since the eighteenth century. Thus the study of revolutions is contained. . .

Performativity : Bonnie Honig

“Everybody’s talking about performativity, now,” Eve Sedgwick said in 1993.1 She said it was because of Judith Butler’s book Gender Trouble, which cast sex/gender as performative, that is to say, as a discursive product, not the natural cause, of words uttered, gestures performed, clothes worn, bodies moving. But, as Sedgwick knew …

Performativity : Bonnie Honig

“Everybody’s talking about performativity, now,” Eve Sedgwick said in 1993.1 She said it was because of Judith Butler’s book Gender Trouble, which cast sex/gender as performative, that is to say, as a discursive product, not the natural cause, of words uttered, gestures performed, clothes worn, bodies moving. But, as Sedgwick knew …

Concept : Adi Ophir

Of the many thinkers engaged in conceptual work, only few stop and ask “What is a concept?” This is the question I wish to engage with here. Its form is Socratic, and it is indeed in Socrates’s inquiries that it first appears. “Philosophers have not been sufficiently concerned with the nature of the concept as philosophical reality,” argue Deleuze and Guattari. . .

Concept : Adi Ophir

Of the many thinkers engaged in conceptual work, only few stop and ask “What is a concept?” This is the question I wish to engage with here. Its form is Socratic, and it is indeed in Socrates’s inquiries that it first appears. “Philosophers have not been sufficiently concerned with the nature of the concept as philosophical reality,” argue Deleuze and Guattari. . .

Ecstasy : Stephen Bush

Ecstasy is disruptive, unusual, episodic: the term typically denotes the momentary puncture of our ordinary ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. But it might very well also be an ongoing condition. Some philosophers and social theorists have characterized subjectivity as permanently ecstatic. They say we are in some sense always outside ourselves. Neither our skin. . .

Ecstasy : Stephen Bush

Ecstasy is disruptive, unusual, episodic: the term typically denotes the momentary puncture of our ordinary ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. But it might very well also be an ongoing condition. Some philosophers and social theorists have characterized subjectivity as permanently ecstatic. They say we are in some sense always outside ourselves. Neither our skin. . .


POLITICAL CONCEPTS RACIAL JUSTICE IN THE AGE OF PLAGUE October 23-24, 2020 Register in advance for this webinar: Difficult times reveal the foundational instability of political systems. The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus Covid-19 has sent seismic


POLITICAL CONCEPTS RACIAL JUSTICE IN THE AGE OF PLAGUE October 23-24, 2020 Register in advance for this webinar: Difficult times reveal the foundational instability of political systems. The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus Covid-19 has sent seismic


Ariella Azoulay / Civil Alliance 47-48 (film still), 2012


Ariella Azoulay / Civil Alliance 47-48 (film still), 2012


  EDITORIAL BOARD Adi Ophir Tel Aviv University Ann Laura Stoler The New School for Social Research Étienne Balibar Université de Paris X, Nanterre Jay Bernstein The New School for Social Research Timothy Bewes Brown University Akeel Bilgrami Columbia University


  EDITORIAL BOARD Adi Ophir Tel Aviv University Ann Laura Stoler The New School for Social Research Étienne Balibar Université de Paris X, Nanterre Jay Bernstein The New School for Social Research Timothy Bewes Brown University Akeel Bilgrami Columbia University